My return to Art began mid-2014, having not painted a single painting for 27 years. My journey in that time as an entrepreneur, mainly in the Hospitality and Food Business can only be described as a rollercoaster ride. I had gotten it into my head to create this food empire that ultimately, for the best part, brought me misery, conflict, ill health, stress and depression. And subsequently everything that that brings into an individuals life. When the 2008 recession hit, the whole house of cards began to fall, both personally and in my business world. In 2013, with all this having its toll on me, coupled with some bad decisions, my body finally said enough is enough. I felt a horrific sharp pain in the left base of my back. Within days I found myself in agony spent most of my time curled up on the floor as I couldn’t sit or lie down for 9 months. I firmly believe that this was a release of all the tension, hurt, stress and worry in my life. Over the years I had built up a small collection of self help books and books on psychology, which I had never really found the time to read. With nothing else to do, I frantically went on a quest to find out the meaning of life. I was captivated by how much of what I read I could relate to. It was becoming clear to me how wrong I had got it. Around this time, I received a painting of a vase of flowers and I hung it in the kitchen, over the days that followed it seemed to speak to me. I bought a canvas and some paints and proceeded to paint that same subject.
This was my return to Art.